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Saved by Kevin Deegan-Krause
on October 2, 2009 at 12:02:51 pm
For week 5 (October 7):
- Read and write: Read the pdf files that I will send to you individually and write questions in the wiki page so that we can discuss.
- Read: Continue reading as much as you can for your groups, creating a reading list and database of sources
- Write: The blog topic for the week is what you find most surprising about the readings for this week? How do they differ from those of Prof. Pitcher either in substance, tone or focus? What questions will you ask Prof. Manning in class?
- Groups: decide on your top 5 priorities for people/places/institutions to interview in Mozambique
- Prepare questions for the test interview with "Chissano."
- Think about attending a supplementary Portuguese class and find documents from previous lessons.
For week 4 (September 30):
- Read and write: Read the readings posted for next week (Lijphart, Manning, and IDEA on constitutions and elections, and Nichols and Ukadike on documentary film) and write questions in the wiki page so that we can discuss.
- Read: Read as much as you can for your particular groups and check out this background paper commissioned by Dr. Reid: Hailu-Mozambique White Paper.pdf. Please bookmark sources for others on Diigo. Use both "adpm" and a separate tag for your group (for the elections subgroup consisting of Cameron and Kevin, we'll use "adpm_vote").
- Write: The blog topic for the week is relatively simple: Having read about the "formal institutional architecture" of Mozambique (that means the constitutional and electoral system), what are the biggest differences between the country we are visiting and your country of origin (for most of that's the US). What seems most appealing about Mozambique's system compared to the US? What is least appealing?
- Groups: Create a page for your group on this wiki. Give it a name and a "mission statement." Begin by identifying the 10 most useful text/video/audio recourses that everybody in the group should have read/watched/listened to by the time we leave. Identify 5 people (or types of people) you'd like to talk to before, during or after the trip. Create a to do list.
- Think about what you would like to ask Chissano when you meet him. Review specifically the Mannings index under "Chissano". More specific instructions/questions will be detailed in next week's assignment.
For week 3 (September 23):
- Read and write: Read the readings posted for next week (Dahl, Linz & Stepan, Owusu and the definition page) write questions in the wiki page
- Read: Read as much as you can on the history, culture and society of Mozambique. Bookmark sources for others on Diigo.
- Write: The blog topic for week three is twofold, which you can handle in one post or two:
- What was the most surprising thing you heard from Dr. Pitcher during her presentation? Why did it surprise you?
- As you see it, what is the meaning of "Democracy." What is the most important thing about democracy for you? What do you think the most important thing about democracy is for the people of Mozambique?
- Groups: Create groups. Produce an intial statement of your group's "main question" and how you will go about studying it.
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